Shawano Leader
February 1 2010
A Keshena mans work as a curator is being featured at the Chelsea Art Museum in New York City.
Michael Chapman is the co-founder of UNRESERVED: American Indian Fashion and Art Alliance, an organization dedicated to creating awareness of American Indian culture and talent in both the fashion and art sectors.
I have had a long interest in Indian art and have consulted with both the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM and also the Indian Arts and Crafts Board, in Washington, DC, so when this opportunity arose, it was great to apply my interest and appreciation of Indian art into this challenge," Chapman said.
Chapman has been overseeing UNRESERVEDs efforts from New York City, but still spends a few weeks each month on the Menominee Reservation. The group, founded early last year, received funding froget up and running.
UNRESERVED has an ambitious mission we want to create an awareness of Indian culture, talent and contributions on the broader national scene and internationally," he said. We have been featured in a few magazines, USA Today, and on Sunday the New York Times Sunday Style Section so were making progress."
The groups IN/SIGHT 2010 art show opening was held a few weeks ago. The show continues through Feb. 13.
We traveled across the country meeting with artists, gallery owners and art critics and curators. We sought their advice and then invited roughly 30 artists to submit work, and we chose 20 of them for the show," Chapman said.
The featured work a picture of a coyote with a hot dog in its mouth standing on a chair was seen as risky, according to several media reviews. But Chapman said its all about perception.
In working with Clarissa Dalrymple, the shows co-curator, we wanted to challenge the perception of what is classically perceived as Indian art," he said. Typically, it is viewed as southwestern because Santa Fe has such foothold on the Indian art market. The coyote image is whimsical and proves you dont have to pander to prevailing trends or stereotypes. You can be an Indian artist and explore the universe of opportunity."
Plans include bringing an Indian ready-to-wear designer, four jewelers, and a handbag designer to Fashion Week in February. They also hope to inspire youth, and get them involved in art.
Were working both frontiers simultaneously and were enjoying the opportunity to promote provocative Indian talent. In doing so, were showing Indian youth that talent and creativity can cross cultures and borders and foster awareness of our contemporary reality and contributions," he said.
Personally, Chapman said he is enjoying the new experience.
I like commuting New York provides a world of opportunity, while the Menominee reservation provides me a strong sense of family, community and values," he said.
The group will also be launching an internship program, and have recruited Donna Karan, Diane Von Furstenberg and Eileen Fisher to host Indian talent.
And, we also have some major mainstream artists, museums and galleries to sign up on the art side. Interns will be able to explore new career paths and learn firsthand how these industries work," he said.